Sunday, January 17, 2010

My God is.........

Hope ya'll are having a wonderful Sunday so far!

In our youth Sunday School class, for the past four months or so, we've been learning 3-5 verses every week on WHO our God is. It has been such a blessing to me. This morning in our SS class we had to say the first verse on each card; a total of 25 verses! Many of us said them, and the prize is a brand new Bible  =)   My Bible is 10 years old.. so I was in desperate need of a new one!!

Here's a pic of all my verse cards  :)  Oh.. and yeah..  I had to say them in Spanish! I actually know more verses in Spanish than in English.. lol.




Sarah Beth said...

Good for you! You'll have to bring your new Bible next time you come!! Sounds like you have a couple of very busy months ahead of you! We'll have to get together soon.


~Rebekah Bjur~ said...

Hey Sarah!

Yes.. we definitely need to get together soon :)
Hope you have an awesomely wonderful week!


Charity Nee said...

hey rebekah! this is jessica faith!! thank you for following me sister!!! I hope my blog encourages you:) God Bless!

Rachel said...

My name is Rachel I am a 14 year old Bible Believing Christian

I just came across your blog and its Neat!!

Really love to get to know you better!

God bless you

Amber Noella said...

Hi, I found your blog through Sarah Beth's....that's a lot of verses to memorize!